Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tuesday, June 7, 2005.

This morning was spent with banking errands. Howard had suggested that I convert US dollars to Czech crowns at an exchange booth downtown instead of using my ATM card or bank account. I decided to cash in the last of our old Traveler’s Checks and found out that not only will American Express not exchange them for dollars (first they give you crowns, then you can convert them to dollars, both at unfavorable exchange rates), but they won’t take their own traveler’s checks at all anymore. I was finally able to find a decent exchange rate at the Czech Commercial Bank, not as good as cash but better than ČSOB where I have my account. Marty had tipped me off that I could withdraw US dollars from my bank account (instead of Czech crowns) without a fee (contrary to what they had told me when I set up the account), so I took the last of my Fulbright funds (sadly, only $500 remaining in the account) and went to Howard’s recommended exchange booth. I now have enough for rent, but not enough to last until we leave. The rest will have to be with ATM withdrawals from the US or with our credit card (which also now charges a hefty commission).
Shortly after lunch I went to meet my landlady, Milena Halová, for coffee at the club at the Czech National Bank where she works. As usual, we had an enjoyable conversation. I am always amazed at how hard she works. Her stories – and others—belie the stories of Czechs working less hard than Americans.


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