Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Tuesday, March 29, 2005.

I decided not to go to the Czech class at VŠE, since the main item on the schedule today is a mid-term exam. I have not been a good student – too busy with other things to study Czech and my Czech, bad as it ever was, is deteriorating from lack of use and study.
I went to the Guttman Gallery where Cynthia was giving her last talk about her art installation to some people from the American Embassy. On the way there, I met Peter Gyori on his way to his office. He has asked me to do some more editing for him, which I am glad to do. It’s cold outside and rather dreary, so my time is probably best spent at the computer. At least that way I’m productive.
This is Cynthia’s last day in Prague, so Rick and I both met with her for dessert after a chamber-music concert at Suk in the Rudolfinum. We walked to Republic Square to the Municipal House café, always a delightful and elegant place. There are chairs and tables set up outside now, a clear sign of spring. There is still no sun for the last several days. The evenings here are warmer than the mornings, unlike Denver.


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