Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Tuesday, February 15, 2004.

The Vice-Rector at VŠE had informed me of an intermediate Czech language class for exchange students that would meet every Tuesday morning for an hour and a half. This is the first week of the spring semester, so the class met for the first time this morning. This morning was spent in review, most of which I knew, but some things were new (or at least unfamiliar) to me. Since the class is small, free, and convenient, I hope to attend when I can (although I know that I’ll be out of town many of the class days.)
After class, I went upstairs to talk with Martin about my chapter and cases for the Psychology of Entrepreneurship book. We also talked about potential seminars/lectures I would give to his class this term. The first case in the book is about Monika, who is a single mother. Martin was particularly interested in how she handles her many obligations, since he has a young child at home. I may get a chance to teach this case to his class next week, and I’ll be interested to hear the students’ perceptions. We called Monika to see if she could come to speak with the class when we use her case, but she also teaches on Fridays, so she will not be able to come. I have a list of questions to ask her – and will undoubtedly have more after talking with the students.
In close order drill, I took the tram to Flora to meet with Brad. This was really a social meeting, not business, although we did talk about Eunice’s company. We had an opportunity to go into a home electronics store in the Palac Flora mall and audition some of their high-end stereo equipment. Most of the components they carry are mid-range prices and quality, but they did have one tube amp (made in Brno) and some integrated amplifiers ranging from $3,000 - $5,000. Most of their products are made in Japan.
Rick went to Irena’s for a Czech lesson, so we did not eat dinner until 10 p.m.


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