Sunday, January 09, 2005.
I rendezvoused with Brad and Aditya for lunch at a small bakery/diner (typical several-story vertical space) in Mala Strana (Lesser Town) near the Charles Bridge. The conversation was mostly about computer and phone technology, but also about languages and travels and such. Aditya showed off his new mobile phone (which looks like any other mobile phone, actually) and we talked about how mobiles have changed people’s behaviors here and in Asia. There are still many houses that do not have phone lines (although now you can get a telephone installed in about 2-3 weeks), and the copper wiring underground is not always reliable or static free. But now there are few people standing in line for the pay phones and few ads for calling cards, and incessant ringing of mobiles and phantom conversations everywhere you go.Charlotte and Bruce had bought three new Italian wines, so we joined them and Michelle for a wine tasting and light dinner. Bruce covered the wine bottles in foil and put different colored yarn-ribbons on them, which corresponded to the colored yarns on the stems of our glasses so we could keep each one straight. They were all good, of course, but we had fun rating them and talking about the differences. Of course the conversations took other turns, lots about food and wine, but also about travels and kids and work and politics and… We did leave in time to catch the last bus home, but as usual did not get home until nearly midnight.
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